
Adults Free taster session:

2 hour free introductory session – Thursday 27th June 2024

Demonstrations, History, basic movement and concepts along with essential self-defence.

Free of charge, contact John – for details or to book a place.

Age 14+

Adults Beginners course:

The next 4 week course starts on 11th July 2024. See here for times and locations.

Contact John for more information on 07732974760.

The course covers the following topics:

Week 1 – Basic movement, falling and grappling. The tanto – knife.

Week 2 – Punching and defense against punching. The hanbo – short (3 foot) staff.

Week 3 – Rolling (kaiten), kicking and defence against kicks. The katana – sword.

Week 4 – A look at some basic techniques from the 9 schools.

Age 14+

Upcoming Seminars:

Jake Sharpstone 15th Dan seminar – Spring 2024, location to be confirmed.

See our Facebook page for more info:

More to follow, watch this space…

Contact Details

Please contact John for any questions about the club or website, by emailing or calling 07732 974760

Mailing Lists

Seminars Group
For information about upcoming seminars all across the UK, you can visit the Facebook group called Bujinkan UK Seminars